Five advantages of 3decision AWS Quick Start for pharma and biotech
Quick, Flexible and Secure are just some of the advantages of 3decision AWS Quick Start for pharma and biotech. Learn more about how you can benefit from streamlined deployment of 3decision on Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud from our cloud expert Alexandre Gillet.
![An innovative way of organizing data: How can 3decision® improve decision-making process? [Customer Success Story]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/64ef89ef638a126e29aba776/1708729231770-S5V9F4WU9H1I7NCQT1LO/thumbnail%2B2.png)
An innovative way of organizing data: How can 3decision® improve decision-making process? [Customer Success Story]
Manuel Cases Thomas, a Medicinal chemistry consultant and director at Senechaem was looking for a solution to help him use the full potential of data at hand and generate new design ideas. In this interview, he shares how 3decision® makes a difference in his daily work: from a scientific need to the impact on design ideas and successful project outcomes.

Discngine & UserStudio: Uplifting User Experience in life science research applications
Recently, our collaborative platform, 3decision, just saw itself complemented with two new features (subpocket search & interaction search) and a radically different User Experience (UX). This new UX, with an updated User Interface (UI), is the result of months of collaborative work between UserStudio and the 3decision team.
In order to tell the story of this project, we gathered people from both companies to answer a few questions.

3decision® v2 – Discover the interaction search
The highly requested and long-awaited interaction search is finally here! Given the great amount of structural data we have at hand, the ability to mine ligand-protein complexes based on the interactions they create was a missing piece in our analytics toolbox.

3decision® v2 – Discover the subpocket search
Select a couple of amino acids in the binding site of your protein and retrieve, in a matter of minutes, other structures in the database which contain a similar subpocket. Similar meaning, similar features arranged similarly in 3D space. This is what the new subpocket search feature will allow you to do in the next release of 3decision!

3decision® v2 – Discover the new UI
Last year, we set out a process to improve the user experience in 3decision. After years of gathering feedback and interviewing key users, we knew it was time to address the design and workflow flaws in the user interface. With the help of User Studio, an external UI/UX design company, we went through a deep refactoring and restyling of the front-end. The resulting work will be available in the next upcoming release of 3decision (3decision v2)!

Discngine announces that Sosei Heptares will use its 3decision® software to create an unprecedented structural GPCR chemogenomics platform
Discngine announces that Sosei Heptares will use its 3decision® software to create an unprecedented structural GPCR chemogenomics platform. 3decision® will enable Sosei Heptares to combine public and proprietary structural data and derive unique GPCR structural insights.

Discover 3decision® - Part 2: Creating a collaborative platform for Structure-Based Drug Discovery
As we explained in our previous article, the number of biomolecular structures available for computational analysis is increasing daily, which, for SBDD translates to ever-greater opportunities for discovery.
But wait, is that actually true?

2019-nCov, structurally speaking - part II
As a follow-up to my previous article 2019-nCoV, structurally speaking, I thought I’d share some of the news on the protein structure side and some insights from the structural analyses we’ve done at Discngine.

2019-nCov, structurally speaking
I guess nobody has missed the fact that we are in the middle of a new Coronavirus outbreak. In the beginning, I followed the updates from far, without going in too much detail. That was before I saw a LinkedIn post on a homology model of a 2019-nCoV protease last week.

What's New in 3decision® 2020.1?
We just released a new version of 3decision®. We've included new updates to Advanced Structural Search, Integrated Visualization & Collaboration. Check them out now!

Lundbeck selects Discngine’s 3decision® platform
Lundbeck selects Discngine’s 3decision® platform to leverage complex protein-ligand 3D structure data in the discovery of new treatments for brain diseases .
Lundbeck will benefit from significantly faster, more efficient structural knowledge analysis, thanks to instant access to the cloud platform

Using Adobe XD for Scientific Web app development - do your mockups
This time around you won’t see any source code. Sorry about that, next time maybe.
Here I’ll talk more about sometimes overlooked aspects when developing applications for R&D in life sciences. So I guess this post might be useful to our competitors or people developing applications within large corporations in the life science & pharma industry … anyway ;)
I’ll take the example of our current 3decision developments. You might have heard or read about 3decision already before. If not, check it out - 3decision .. it’s super cool!

Discngine and AbbVie, winners of the Innovative Practices Award at Bio-IT 2019!
Discngine and AbbVie received BioIT World’s prestigious award Innovative Practices for the co-development of 3decision!

We're launching our very first Webinar!
On April 26th at 4 pm CET, we're broadcasting our very first live Webinar - Biomolecular structures: How to maximize the value of what you already have!