Webinar: Discover 3decision, Winner of the Innovative Practices Award at Bio-IT 2019!
Peter & Gabriella from the 3decision team
Structure-based drug design techniques strongly rely on structural data for proteins and protein:ligand complexes. The potential of these techniques is often limited by inconsistent data persistence and the mere complexity of analyzing structural data.
3decision® - a web-based platform for storing, analyzing and sharing structural data - addresses these pitfalls. The solution allows Molecular Modelers, Medicinal Chemists, and Crystallographers to speed up their day-to-day work with 3D structures. 3decision® makes tasks like pocket-similarity search, ligand design and binding-site comparison straightforward to everyone.
Discngine has co-developed 3decision® together with Abbvie since 2017 and was recently rewarded with Bio-IT World's prestigious Innovative Practices award. In this webinar, we want to give you an overview of 3decision® and officially launch our new commercial platform where everybody can access 3decision.